June 8-26 San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico
INTRODUCTIONThe lectures will be held in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Accommodation and meals, both in San Cristóbal de las Casas, will be arranged and provided free of charge by the organizers.
THE LECTURES AND TUTORIALSLectures will be provided on the following topics: the Stellar Evolution and Structure; Star and Planetary formation; Compact Objects; Galaxies; Cosmology; Computational Astrophysics; Radio Astronomy; Optical Astronomy; X-ray Astronomy; Gamma-rays and Cosmic-Rays Astrophysics; Gravitational-Wave Astronomy; and Virtual Observatories..
In addition, there will be "how-to" sessions on: writing an observing proposal; writing a paper; and writing a job application.
During ISYA 2020 public lectures will be provided to those attending the School, to academics and students from Autonomous University of Chiapas and to interested members of the general public. These free-of-charge evening lectures will be held at Autonomous University of Chiapas.
At this stage, the following evening social events are planned:
* A Welcome Reception. * An informal outdoor dinner. * An ISYA 2020 Banquet.
Different half-day excursions have been arranged.